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2023 Aberdeenshire Grant Awards

In response to our call for applications in 2023, we're pleased to announce that we have offered to support the following projects with £5,000 in grants in 2023 to facilitate their outdoor education plans:

  • Tyred n Cranky CIC, £1,000.00, this grant will help Tyred n Cranky to buy cycling equipment and use it in the Marr area to bring cycling skills to rural communities to help encourage the use of bicycles instead of relying on cars. 
  • 1st Kinellar Scout Group, £1,050with an expanding troop, the scout group applied for a grant to fund more tents so more scouts can go camping. The grant covered tents as well as some Kelly Kettles. 
  • 1st Fraserburgh Scouts, £2,000:  to help this scout group take a group of scouts on a significant expedition to the international centre in Kandersteg, Switzerland. From here they will undertake a wide range of hikes and adventurous activities which will be a physical and mental challenge including the sonw and ice challenge which includes a hike up to a mountain hut in the Swiss alps where they will spend the night before progressing onto the glacier, Fraserburgh is a historical fishing community with many over publicised social problems. The scout group's core goal is to give young people the opportunity and the tools to rise above this and succeed. This trip will give them the opportunity to be both physically, mentally and socially challenged and for many this will be their first trip out of Scotland.
  • Laurencekirk School, £850: Contribution towards developing a concrete patch into an outdoor space where their children can play, explore and learn together with kit such as a water wall, sand pit and much more. 
  • Tall Ships Race, £100: Sophia Slessor won a scholarship to Gordonstoun and was selected over the summer to take part in the Tall Ships Race. She raised the money to take part herself and the Jo Walters Trust helped with a contribution towards this. Sophia has provided a report on her experience which you can read by clicking here

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