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Annual Review 2017

review 2017 1

We are very pleased to be able to share the Jo Walters Trust Annual Review from 2017. As in other years, we are keen to be as transparant as possible so have shared it in its entirety. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us through info@jowalterstrust.org.uk


We have made a number of exciting grants in 2016/17, totalling £28,210, notably continuing the Feedback Madagascar support as well as continuing sending children on outward bound projects with the Outward Bound Trust. It was the first year in which our Maths grants registered in the financial statements, and we have continued with our annual Aberdeenshire grants. Please read more about the grants we have made on our grants pages here.


Fundraising was particularly successful in 2016/17, and including a sponsored swim from Arran to Troon which raised over £22,000 to be split between the Jo Walters Trust and the RNLI, and another Jo Walters Trust St Andrew's Ball in November 2016 raising a fantastic £11,000. As always, we are very proud that the trust runs with virtually no overheads, and practically all the money raised goes only to making grants. The only costs incurred are in the purchase of stock to sell (trading activities), or in putting on fundraising events (payments related to charitable activities). We continue to invest any funds that not currently allocated to projects with Oikocredit, a microfinance organisation that helps develop micro businesses around the world. To date we have received a 2% return on these funds each year, meaning our money is not just growing, but is also working hard to help people in Jo's name.

Annual Review 2016

2016 revew 1

We are very pleased to be able to share the Jo Walters Trust Annual Review from 2016. We are keen to be as transparant as possible so have shared it in its entirety. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us on info@jowalterstrust.org.uk


We have made a number of exciting grants in 2016, notably continuing the Feedback Madagascar support as well as providing grants to many worthwhile projects across Scotland and beyond. Please read more about the grants we have made on our grants pages here.


Fundraising has been very successful through the year, raising £12,317 through various events and donations. As in previous years, the trust has run with virtually no overheads, meaning practically all the money raised goes only to making grants. The only costs incurred are in the purchase of stock to sell (trading activities), or in putting on fundraising events (payments related to charitable activities). We continue to invest any funds that not currently allocated to projects with Oikocredit, a microfinance organisation that helps develop micro businesses around the world. To date we have received a 2% return on these funds each year, meaning our money is not just growing, but is also working hard to help people in Jo's name.

Annual Review 2015

jwt annual report 2014 15 1

We are very pleased to be able to share the Jo Walters Trust Annual Review from 2015. We are keen to be as transparant as possible so have shared it in its entirety. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us on info@jowalterstrust.org.uk


2015 saw two new trustees joining the team, Katie Peters who is now the head of fundraising, and Rob Duke taking over as treasurer from Charles Rahtz. Charles has been a fantastic treasurer since the trust was set up in 2010, and we are so grateful to him for all his hard work and delighted that he will continue as an active trustee.


We have made a number of exciting grants in 2015, notably continuing the Feedback Madagascar support as well as providing grants to many worthwhile projects across Scotland and beyond. Please read more about the grants we have made on our grants pages here.


Fundraising has been very successful through the year, with the Jo Walters Trust St Andrew's Ball in November 2014 raising a fantastic £19,000. We are very proud that the trust runs with virtually no overheads, and practically all the money raised goes only to making grants. The only costs incurred are in the purchase of stock to sell (trading activities), or in putting on fundraising events (payments related to charitable activities). We continue to invest any funds that not currently allocated to projects with Oikocredit, a microfinance organisation that helps develop micro businesses around the world. To date we have received a 2% return on these funds each year, meaning our money is not just growing, but is also working hard to help people in Jo's name.

Annual Review 2014

TheJoWaltersTrust AnnualReturn2014 12014 was a good year for the Jo Walters Trust as we got into our stride of giving grants. A particular highlight has been the recent collaboration with Feedback Madagascar which led to the funding of a seed bank project in Madagascar, benefitting 21 of the poorest and most remote communities in this poor and remote country by providing seeds, instruction and incentives to grow produce for consumption and sale, and using this as motivation to help native forest regeneration. We have now had a full report of this project which you can read in more detail here, and are so pleased with the results we have committed a further £18,000 in 2015 to continue the project for a further year, with an understanding that this will be repeated again in the year 2016/17.

On top of the Madagascar grant, we also made several grants to Aberdeenshire projects that were successful in applying in our annual round of funding, as well as paying for new wheels and a groupset for Kerry MacPhee, the 1st woman from the Outer Hebrides to take part in the Commonwealth Games. She has gone on to do extremely well at competitions since, and we are thrilled with the success she has had to date.

Please do read the full report (it's not that long!) below as it should give you a really good idea of how all the money people have so generously raised, and donated, is being spent. We hope you will approve, as we hope Jo would too.


Annual Review 2013

Jo Walters trust review of activity 2010-13

From our treasurer, Charles Rahtz:

In November 2013, we held our Annual General Meeting. All trustees were present. We endorsed the Annual Report and conducted a review of our activity from the establishment of the Trust in 2010 to date. In the interests of transparency, we are making both the Annual Report and that review available online. And you can always see our OSCR entry here.

The headlines from the AGM were:

  • Having deliberately experimented with different ways of making grants, we decided in future to focus our grant-giving into three areas:
    • Firstly, we would identify a major project, probably in Africa, to which we could give substantial support over a number of years. This would become the primary focus of our fund-raising.
    • Secondly, we would continue to offer grants of up to £2,000 to suitable applicants in Aberdeenshire (up to a total of £6,000 a year).
    • Thirdly, we would provide smaller annual grants to a couple of specific causes with which Jo had a particular affinity, such as an award for the Bristol OTC member who did the most for charity.
  • We set ourselves an ambitious fundraising target for 2014: £20,000. Please help us meet it!
  • We would improve the evaluation of our grants, become more transparent to the public and we would be more creative in our fundraising, including by opening an online shop (now open - see here!)
  • Lastly we felt very privileged to have Mark Holford, director of fundraising for the Chauncy Maples Trust as a guest speaker, who was very generous with his time and advice.

We would welcome feedback on our review or any other issues and would be happy to respond to any questions/comments about them. To get in touch you can e-mail us or fill in the form on our contact page.

Thank you to all who raised funds for us during 2013 - we couldn't do it without you. We look forward to being able to announce our 2014 grants and recipients later in the year.

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